
I clearly remember being in my adolescent (read: awkward) years and being fairly certain that by the time I was done with college, I would be married.

I also remember graduating college and thinking something similar of my mid-twenties.

Reflecting on such things now, I just sort of laugh inwardly and think yep-I-was-out-of-my-mind. No mean thoughts to you beautiful people who married in those years. I can only speak for where I am, slash, have been.

Having since traversed proverbial adolescence, college, a great handful of years in Europe, and now grad school/seminary, I am beyond grateful for these years. And I am more than positive that me being married at age 21ish would have been a near-disaster for me and maybe just slightly less awful in my mid-20s. I have learned so much about myself in the last two to four years that I had absolutely no idea of in those I-know-everything-years. I have healed tons. I still am doing that. And I am glad.

I still pray for that unknown boy, but from a much different place than when I was 14ish, 21ish, or 25ish and praying similarly. Oh dear. If you could only read my journals.

4 thoughts on “4/ I Remember Thinking I Wanted to Be Married at Age 21ish

  1. Very wise and mature words. As someone who wasn’t married until (dang near) age 30, I can relate. Especially since I ALMOST married the wrong girl in my early 20s.

    Hang on. You will be strengthened by waiting.

  2. Very wise and mature words. As someone who wasn’t married until (dang near) age 30, I can relate. Especially since I ALMOST married the wrong girl in my early 20s.

    Hang on. You will be strengthened by waiting.

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