- Raw Log Day 004: Coffee and Cheeseburgers After almost 4 days of doing about 95% raw foods, I’m feeling sprightly. I’m digging how this 31 day challenge makes eating so simple. I need more simplicity in all of my layered patterns of life. Also. I still think about cheeseburgers. Sometimes at breakfast. Have any of you ever done a raw food (or […]
- Diving into 31 Days of Raw Olá, July! The month of World Cup finals, ‘merica Fireworks, and a wild reset for me. This marks Day 001 whenceforth I am diving into a month-long Raw Food Boot-camp with some dear friends. YIKES. WHAT. HELP. OK. The focus is on re-setting the body, soul, and spirit toward wholeness. My superstar roommate, Jodi, is […]
- There, and Back Again Travel always welcomes a reset for me. The new environs gives me a new headspace. It’s normally the seemingly mundane trips away from home where I find myself reorganizing the content with my mental / spiritual / technological borders. I’ve just returned from nearly a week in Indianapolis, and this trip was no different. I’m […]
- Sometimes Writing is a Bridge Sometimes writing is a bridge to nowhere – it’s an end unto itself. It’s just pleasure for pleasure’s sake. Other times, writing is catharsis. I’ve started back with those “morning pages” — in which you write 3 full pages, by hand, and then stuff those pages into an envelope to rest. The hope is that […]
- I Often Reschedule Dates, and that is Just Fine Sometimes it is necessary to reschedule a date in order to go on a different kind. The kind where you drive across 1st street bridge alone, and you are enamored by the small-but-potent skyline. You will park in a fifteen minute zone in Downtown Los Angeles, furiously trying to read if at 8 o’clock the […]
- Discipleship is Ardent Following; or, “I thought I followed Shelley, who thought he was following radiant desire.” Today’s post is part of the ongoing blog series Discipleship: Re-Imagining Our Calling From Christ that the wonderful Tyler Braun is putting on. I’m absolutely honored to a part of this eclectic group of writers. I have to confess, when Tyler asked me to write about discipleship, my English-major brain turned to etymology. I thought to […]
- Why I’m Making a Syllabus for a Class That Doesn’t Exist I used to read as a simple, unobtrusive way to unwind. Not so much anymore. I don’t like to read for fun. Maybe I’m really, really missing being in school. Maybe that’s also why, with all else I’ve “got goin’ on,” I’m going into my 3rd year as Rob Gallagher’s TA for a foundation course in […]
- Dear 2012,You Were Good, but in 2013, My Sabbath must be Real. Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work (Exodus 20:8). Is it possible for a human being to do all his work in six days? Does not our work always remain incomplete? What the verse means to convey is: Rest on the Sabbath as if all your work were done. Another interpretation: Rest […]
- I Want to Run Fast Once upon a time, I hated running. I thought people who said they enjoyed running were slightly deranged and masochistic. At one point in my twenties, I started to approach running as more of a coping mechanism. Ahh, the early twenties, when everything felt impossible and wonderful and horrible, simultaneously. (I think Taylor Swift calls […]
- It Does Not Force its Sap; Ripening Like the Tree I have been driving around Pasadena this last week with a vague echo in my mind of this excerpt. It’s uncanny how I’ve heard this phrase over and again: “She does not force her sap in summer.” It took me quite a while to realize that the phrase was from Rilke. It almost felt […]
- Frederick Buechner on Vocation “It comes from the Latin vocare, to call, and means the work a man is called to by God. There are all different kinds of voices calling you to all different kinds of work, and the problem is to find out which is the voice of God rather than of Society, say, or the Superego, […]
- Newness Sometimes all you need to do is rearrange your room. Or move into a new one. You just need an old lamp that reminds you of the many homes you’ve had. And then you clear a space where you’ll sit and talk to God. And then not move from that space. Sometimes all you need […]