7 thoughts on “Streams for Sunday: Dialects

  1. Yes, Nelly, you are wise to think, speak, blog, cry out GRATEFULNESS!!
    I personally had to call my mom, just as the last crew member of our ship left for their finals, and pour out my fears(maybe even grumbles), let the tears fill up the eyes, and stream out my words to my sweet listening mommy. Funny, Nelly, I have MUCH to hold as dear and wonderful and, YET I can ridiculously hold onto grumbles and fears as if I might be able to make way for goodness by my grip of them. YUCK! Stop that I say. Well, really, I say, YES to having tea/coffee with a friend and pour out dissappointments all over the place…only to come to find gratefulness is where we WANT to be. Yes, gratefulness provides way for joy! May our voices, tears, and movements spring the way for gratefulness to flow and simple joy to take seat in our hearts. Not the kind of gratefulness that ignores the grumbling. Some times the old shirts need to surface, to be worn even, right out in the open with a new friend so that the tears flow and the beautiful mess is given way to the light of the beautiful day!
    YOU are a healthy one, sweet Nelly.

  2. Yes, Nelly, you are wise to think, speak, blog, cry out GRATEFULNESS!!
    I personally had to call my mom, just as the last crew member of our ship left for their finals, and pour out my fears(maybe even grumbles), let the tears fill up the eyes, and stream out my words to my sweet listening mommy. Funny, Nelly, I have MUCH to hold as dear and wonderful and, YET I can ridiculously hold onto grumbles and fears as if I might be able to make way for goodness by my grip of them. YUCK! Stop that I say. Well, really, I say, YES to having tea/coffee with a friend and pour out dissappointments all over the place…only to come to find gratefulness is where we WANT to be. Yes, gratefulness provides way for joy! May our voices, tears, and movements spring the way for gratefulness to flow and simple joy to take seat in our hearts. Not the kind of gratefulness that ignores the grumbling. Some times the old shirts need to surface, to be worn even, right out in the open with a new friend so that the tears flow and the beautiful mess is given way to the light of the beautiful day!
    YOU are a healthy one, sweet Nelly.

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