Dear blog,

I have shown you a measure of neglect. But since you are an extension of my self, you already know that it isn’t because I’ve been neglecting other parts of my life.  It is actually quite the opposite.

While it used to be that I’d blog for the sake of my health–it was almost a non-negotiable on most days–lately I’m doing things like going to the gym, eating more colourful and fresh foods, and getting 8 hours of sleep.  I think this is a little more ordered.

I like sleeping so much, because I dream in techni-color.  God talks to me in my dreams in louder ways than I can explain.  At least lately, the familiar characters in my dreams are undoubtedly instruments of God’s healing my heart/emotions.  The truth is that I wake up most days feeling outrageously loved, and it is difficult to forget.  Why wouldn’t I make time to rest, then?

Jesus shows up to me in my dreams in the guise of friends whom I love, but rarely see.  Do you dream like this?  If not, maybe you could just ask God to let you.  That’s all I did.  Then I made sure to sleep awhile, each night.


One nice part of being in a graduate school on the 10-week quarter system is the constant new-beginnings.  Since I enjoy change so much, this is really good for me.  I have a constantly-arriving opportunity to re-shuffle my priorities.  It is a band-aid on my inevitable failures from “last time.”  A new quarter means new classes, new schedules, new ways to rearrange my being a full-time student, part-time copywriter, part-time barista and tutor.  My life is full and wild right now.

I feel I’ve been stingy in sharing all that I’ve learned at Seminary in my blog.  I’ve done this, in some way, intentionally, because I didn’t want this blog to become overrun with one certain theme.  I want it to be an expression of me, something terrifically honest, something that you will want to return to.  (And I do thank the beautiful Kids Museum lady in Baltimore, the lovely Mama in Santa Barbara, and the brilliant teacher in Nashville for persuading me that some people check it daily, and why won’t I just start writing more please.)  One of my new priorities is to write a little more often on the bite-sized things I am learning at Fuller.  My academic life is a very large piece of the current pie a’la Nelly, and I’ve been enjoying it at a table, mostly alone.

I do hope my future academic posts will not bore you, because I sort of equate boredom with all things undeniably awful.  I loathe it.

This is my last full-time quarter at Fuller.  I am taking one course more than usual, and three of those four courses include the “big guns” of legendary professors who demand (very very very) much in return for their scholarly offerings.  In the summer I’ll take one last course and then I’ll be finished at Fuller with a 2nd M.A., this time in Theology.

I’m not going to walk at Commencement this year, mostly because it’s too much of a boring hoopla and they charge too much to rent those hot-robes.  Ceremonies pretty much bore me to tears.

I will likely have some sort of party, however, and you’re all invited.

I would like this little space of the blogosphere to feel more like a party that you are all invited to, as well.  I’ve just been spending some time rearranging the furniture and making sure the food is fresh, before we open the doors again.

3 thoughts on “Neglected Parts/Parties

  1. It is really nice to read some of your words here today. I know I am a terrible correspondent, but I do think of you often! Thanks for sharing your life (and academic ponderings) in the blog-o-sphere. : )

  2. I don’t know if I’m the Mama in SB checking in on you often…but if not, then you have TWO mama’s up here checking in on your soon to be “party”! I love today’s post…I love that you’re getting sleep and dreaming in wild colors…and I love that you get to hit a reset button every 10 weeks! Keep up on the resting and come rest up here again when you get the chance 🙂 Love you Nelly…jen

  3. dearest nelly – oh i’m so proud of you!! 2 M.A.’s! Also I would like to join the band of faithful nelly-blog-readers and say, please continue. i love reading here. i cant say much though, because I’ve not posted on my blog in 2 weeks. I must do that soon. In the meantime, let me send you congrats and much love – i’d love to join in on all the virtual celebratory festivities coming soon. 🙂

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