The wonderful thing about shooting with film is that you must be patient. There is no instant pleasure.
The wonderful thing about shooting with a plastic toy camera is also this: you get to play. It is what you do.
This summer was one of my favorites, yet. I got to play a lot – in the metaphor, and outside. It is what I did.
Also: I went through some rolls of film. The negatives will slowly get processed. The Holga above is one of the first processed rolls I’ve handled in some years.
Of some years, this summer was one of my favorites, yet. Among many things, I drove through approximately 18 states in 7 days with one of my dearest friends. I did not want to say goodbye at the end. This summer will slowly get processed.
First you mail the roll to the laboratory. Then they dip the negatives in some chemicals. Then they manipulate levels and, I imagine, play electronic music while making fine-tuned adjustments. Then, after quite some time, things are processed.
The work of carefully handling moments and memories and hellos and goodbyes are not so unlike these photo laboratories. My task is to show some of the processed prints of this internal work, without drowning you in sentimentality. That is one of my aims. Then, after quite some time, things are processed.
If you’ve ever been in a photo developing lab, you might understand that I can smell those silver bromide, developers, stop baths and fixers wafting from my monitor. Mostly because I miss that aroma. So sinus clearing.