On this Sunday eve I’ll enjoy the live lush melodies of Over the Rhine and Rosie Thomas. I’m in the process of writing Karin and Linford a letter on my weird recycled stationary, so I’m hoping to finally put my words in their hands. I’ve only been meaning to write to them for about eight years. (Yes, I move slowly.) I ought to tell them what their art has meant to my tired heart since I discovered them in an old CD player in Rome.

Rosie’s records have been soothing my heart for the last six months, so I dorkily cheered aloud when I found she was opening for OTR on their Trumpet Child tour. I’d like to have the chance to chat with her, too, like Mel did at a recent show.

I’ve just figured out how to post through my mobile phone, so maybe I’ll send you some photos along the way.

(Lovely photo and Trumpet Child lyrical creation by Arianna, gentle dove.)

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