I have this new theory. I think that traveling sets off a strange chemical reaction in the laboratory of our shoes that emits a stronger-than-normal-foot-odor. Or maybe I just need to throw away my favorite “travel shoes.” Either way, my post-travel stank is really amazing.

I’ve just returned from a renegade 3-day trip (back) to Pasadena to help out Christian Associates do some recruiting at Fuller’s Missions Fair. I spent two full days talking with seminary students about the spiritual needs of Europe, and how they might take some risks with their future. I really enjoyed it, especially because I got to meet folks at my school that I normally miss in my online classes. The whole deal was a totally unexpected gift of a trip, especially to stay with the amazing Klein family, and see the Borden’s one last time before they are Tanzania-ified.

Doing the recruiting-stuff gave me some inklings for a possible fun part-time job with CAI in the fall. (Here’s a rad quicktime movie that gives of snapshot of CAI’s vision for church-planting in Europe.) Pray, pray, and we’ll see.

In the meantime I’ll be asking myself the question: “Why, oh why, do my traveling feet stink?”

(Thanks for the photo of baby Gabby, B K & G.)

One thought on “Stinky Feet Theory

  1. Gross! But traveling is well worth it, no? : )

    So now that you’re back in town, does this mean we get to talk soon?

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