On Thursday I took a nice long drive through Maryland–from La Plata to Frostburg. (If MD looks like a raggedy pistol, I started at the trigger and ended up near the pistol tip.) The mountains were really incredible. I forget how much I’m an introvert until I have these long-drives to myself that shoot energy into my veins. And with a hot Volkswagon stick-shift that isn’t even mine! (Thanks, Patty.)

I drove up to Frostburg State University to share my story with the nice folks at Intervarsity Christian Fellowship. The unexpected sharing-deal came through some cute little connections with people, and IVCF being open to all kinds of guests.

I talked a lot about pain, healing, and the Psalms. And that we all have a story to share, and when we do, we’re inviting God to do the same good things in the lives of people around us.

I tried my best to put aside the fact that it didn’t make much sense to drive almost 7 hours to talk for only 20 minutes. It was nice to hang out with some of them at a diner afterwards. (I really love diners.) I hope that I’ll keep getting to know a one or two of the gals through the wonders of email/Facebook. And oh! someone even gave me two of their favorite CDs for my drive home!

It was a nice little break from the pace of things.

4 thoughts on “Road Trippin’ to Frostburg

  1. Hi Jenelle,

    How are you doing? I didn’t know one could drive for seven hours in Maryland and still be in the same state! And mountains, eh? Have you read Bird by Bird? I just want to write, and write, and write. And live, so that I can tell the truth better. You would really like the book, if you haven’t read it yet.

    That is a nectar mix tape photo. I wonder who first associated mix tapes with love? Are you studying today? Doing youth group stuff? I may go up to a monastery. Perhaps we can talk later? Could I possibly call you tonight? Was the Mates of State show beautiful? Bright Eyes was. So fun to go with Trevor too, he is a rad kid.

    Te amo mucho, mi amigo. paz.

  2. J-bird,
    Certainly your prayers for this child are coveted for I know how dear you are to our Father. Most every time I read your posts, I hope they will go on a bit longer than they do.
    I am looking forward to the Fall, and your many (I hope) visits to Westmont.

  3. Cari,
    Well, it was really 3.5 hours one way, so 7 hours in all. Maryland is really quite lovely, it is.

    You should just write, and write, and write, you! I am familiar with Bird by Bird. Anne Lamott is incredible.

    I’m not sure if you check back here for my replied comments. But yes, let’s talk soon!

  4. Arianna,
    You are most dear to our Father, too, little bird. Thank you for your sweet words. I can’t wait for the Fall, either.

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