Nelly Rose, please blog on the following topics soon because they are on your mind:
1. Why I am still in school though I graduated in June.
2. Proposition 8 and the denial of America’s post-Christendom.
3. That great quote on great sex / generosity.
4. Sex, Singleness, and Healthy ways to be naked.
5. Quick review of the new iPod touch 2nd generation.
6. Top albums of my 28th year / Answering Carrie’s question at dinner Sunday night.
7. Why bicycles should have powerful horns to honk.
8. If the Church embraced innovation as does Steve Jobs, then…
9. Shameless birthday-present ask RE: Pasadena half-marathon.
I am strangely looking forward to healthy ways to be naked, as I always seem to get this wrong.
looking fwd to #2 and #8.
ooh good topics. Can’t wait to read what you have to say (or actually, write) =)
ready – set – write!!! yay – i love your ponderings…