I Remember Tambourines As Freedom
I remember learning at a very young age–via tambourines, churchy things, and Mama–that God likes it when we are uninhibited. I learned it first when talking/singing/dancing to Jesus. But now I also see it as a breathing proverb that stretches out lengthily through our days. (Photo of Mute Math by Rico Moran)
September 27, 2008
I Remember the Playfulness of the Sky
[Holga] Portugal 07-2008
September 17, 2008
Reflection is Good for You
When I lived in Portugal, I used to take a “day away” once a month to do some reflection, journaling, and general soul-caring. It was a requirement for Young Life’s internship, and for that I am so grateful. I’ve decided to try to start doing this once a month reflection day again. Today is the […]
August 23, 2008
It Was Evening It Was Morning, the Fifth Day
On this, my fifth day of managing the coffee shop, I did not drop five beverages as I did yesterday. No, today when I made a mistake on someone’s drink, I freely admitted it, and they freely tipped me $1, and I said aloud, “My! I get tipped even when I make mistakes!” And they […]
July 1, 2008
It Might Be An Urban Legend, But
Recently a health-conscious friend made a bold declaration to me: “Every hour that you go to sleep before midnight counts as two hours! Your body was meant to rest when it is dark and wake when it is light.” I like the idea of living with the rhythms of the Earth. So, I’ve been trying […]
March 5, 2008
day twenty-three.
February 23, 2008
day thirteen (also, photo-synchroblog)
Also, check out other interesting photos today, from the global Synchroblog team: Phil Wyman at Phil Wyman’s Square No More Billy Calderwood at Billy Calderwood Sam Norton at Elizaphanian Sally Coleman at Eternal Echoes Mike Bursell at Mike’s Musings Julie Clawson at One Hand Clapping Steve Hayes at Notes from the Underground Sonja Andrews at […]
February 13, 2008
day three.
February 3, 2008
When it Rains in My City
When it rains, I must ask others to drive me to work. On days when the rain comes suddenly, they give my bike a ride, too. I like the rainy day car conversations. They come as unexpectedly as the rain. We sit and squint through the wipers in the front seat, and the periwinkle Schwinn […]
January 24, 2008
Noah (age 10) on The Meaning of Life
My friend Noah lives in Portugal. He is brilliant. I like it when young ones blog their hearts out. I think Noah should write a small book about friendship and God and asking questions. (I’d buy it.) Questions they just keep on growing in side our minds, souls, and spirits…Maybe questions are the meaning of […]
December 13, 2007
I Think This is Better
…than Buy Nothing Day: Make Something Day, courtesy of The Ecclesia Collective. But I say we call it “Make Something Weekend,” since my Friday will be consumed by my finishing these 25 pages of papers. Let me know if you make anything, and maybe we’ll get some ideas from each other.
November 23, 2007
Mobile upload. Missing the Train.
The nice thing about missing the train is…having coffee with a great friend, instead. Ladies and gents, I give you Trevor Borden's wise hand.
November 19, 2007