• Phone Photo Upload [From last night at the Central library] The Art-walk took us all around town. My personal favorite was the trip to the Pasadena Conservatory where I learned how to do “body percussion.” Clapping, snapping, and hitting various flabby to muscular body parts creates different rhythmic melodies! Improvisational music retains many kind metaphors to the rhythm […] Jenelle One response October 13, 2007
  • It’s a Family Affair: Synchroblog Is Christianity exclusive or inclusive? In my view, it is both. But perhaps that is not such a terrible thing. “Christian” really means, a “little Christ.” We find the term first used in Acts as a name badge for those who followed the controversial person of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. These “little Christs” were convinced […] Jenelle 5 responses August 14, 2007
  • Our Stories Are Currency I’ve spent the last few days in upstate New York with family. My parents met in this town at age 17. The story goes that Dad fell in love when he first watched Mama walk out of Five Corners Pizzeria. But an amazing thing happened when they married: their two Italian families really became one. […] Jenelle 6 responses August 3, 2007
  • (This is) How Family Works You might remember me mentioning the awful fire that destroyed the Simple Way community house, and how you could help Shane Claiborne and company rebuild. Do you know how some in the Family have just responded? They gave the Simple Way the keys to their building, and said, “It’s yours now, because you need it.” […] Jenelle 18 responses July 18, 2007
  • Mathspeak for Christians: Bounded-sets [I’m going to start posting bits of what I’ve been learning in my classes, in case you’re interested. If my language starts sounding pretentious and annoyingly academic, please stop me.] Here is something I’m chewing on from a book by Paul Hiebert: What are the consequences of defining Christianity as a bounded-set? In the West, […] Jenelle 4 responses June 15, 2007
  • Persecution or Poor Elocution? (this is a) PREFACE: Today’s synchro-blog on “Persecution and Christian Suffering” was inspired by a series of awful events. One of our fellow synchro-bloggers, David Fisher, was recently removed from the leadership at his church, mostly on the basis of David’s links within, and his writing in the blogosphere about the need for church-reform. I’m […] Jenelle 25 responses April 12, 2007