Last night I had another incredibly vivid dream. I’m sure part of it was born out of one of my classes at Fuller: Ministering to Street Children.

I was in Italy, sitting on the second floor of an apartment that faced the street. It was a gloomy, rainy day, and I was looking out the window. My eye caught two young girls who’d walked out into the street who couldn’t have been older than seven. They were all alone and playing in the puddle-filled street.

Then, in the magical-speed of dreams, the street below began flooding with rain, and water rushed from one end to another. The little girls seemed totally unaware of the danger that they were in. One of them had a toy boat that was large enough for her to sit on, and from the window I saw her motioning as if she was going to try to ride on it for fun in the flooded street.

I looked around the apartment and realized that no one but me saw this happen. So I barreled down to the street, only to arrive to find her being carried away by the stream. I felt helpless. But then as I peered way down the street I could see a small group of adults who were headed towards her to catch her.

I ran over to the girls’ friend, who was still street-side, totally unaware of what had just happened. She had a “nobody can hurt me” attitude about her, though she was so very young. She was incredulously drinking cheap beer, even. I tried asking her in (my pitiful) Italian if she thought her friend was ok, but she answered me in English, quite nonchalantly. It didn’t seem she even cared.

The group of adults showed up with the girl, and they appeared to be folks about my age. There were four of them, mostly from the States, but one from Asia. They explained that they all ended up in Italy through this one friend of theirs’ named, Chuck. So, strangely, instead of giving me their contact info, they gave me his.

And we all ended up at a weird American breakfast buffet that was very strange to find in Italy. Other Americans joined us, but they seemed clueless on how to be polite and quiet in a European country. No one knew how to pay the bill properly, so I ended up doing it.

(Flood Picture from the National Weather Service’s article on Flash Floods: Turn Around Don’t Drown.)

6 thoughts on “Most Vivid Dreams – Part 3

  1. The breakfast part is the worst. How embarrassing, lol.

    Have you looked up anyone named Chuck? I mean, can you remember his digits?

    I am praying for diligence and focus for you.. Don’t worry about writing me, just catch up.

    I am seeing our lovely musician friend Conor on Sunday. If you think of it, pray for my time with Jenn. Heart!

  2. Cari, I know, the breakfast part really embarrassed me even in the dream! I hate when we Americans are obnoxious in foreign lands.

    I don’t know one person named Chuck, presently. Except Norris.

    Thank you so much for praying for my finals! You’re a good girl.

    I’m seething with jealousy that you’re seeing Bright Eyes. Seething.
    I’ll repent of that and pray for you and time with J. much love!

  3. Lol, I like you.

    I just wanted to recommend you listen to the Relevant Donald Miller podcasts (2/23 and 3/2). They’re very good.

    And also the band Page France.

    And I am humbled by the (albeit Christian fiction, lol) Perpetua. It is a rad, rad book. It is only $4.99 at Relevant right now (huge sale because they’re moving) so maybe you should get it. Or borrow it sometime. Or don’t, since you’re 27. I don’t know, I just wanted to semi-revoke my previous gentle mockery (not completely, though).

    Love you major!

  4. I know someone named Chuck — Chuck Duby. He and his wife, Sue, are working with a new ministry here in Nashville called Hope Force. ( They send relief teams to places experiencing disaster — like Sri Lanka and the U.S. Gulf Coast.

    Chuck and Sue knew Byron and Lisa before they went to Kenya and the Duby’s went off to work with Mercy Ships. They’re great. You should check out the Hope Force site.

    Anyway, I don’t know any other Chucks besides him. : )

  5. Cari, I think I missed the mockery altogether. When were you being so gentle with me? I’m so confused. Do 27 year olds not borrow books? I’m not a big old adult, you know.

    I already love Page France, incidentally. They’re from Baltimore towne, too. Go east coast.

  6. Rach,
    Thanks for the Chuck reference! Hope Force looks exceedingly wonderful. I wonder if I’m supposed to contact him and somehow I’ll end up in Italy.

    I had dinner with my Mama @ Cosi in Alexandria tonight. Zoey the 10 year old’s handwritten advert still reads in smeared pencil: “Dog walker. Very strong. $3/hour. Available every day after 3:55 except Tues and Wed.”

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