In 1373 a wild woman named Julian from Norwich had an extensive vision of God as she was talking to him.

“I saw that he is to us everything which is good and comforting for our help.  He is our clothing, who wraps and enfolds us for love, embraces and shelters us, surrounds us for his love, which is so tender that he may never desert us.'” – Julian of Norwich, Long Text 5

She wrote down her visions and those scribbles became what is now known to be the first book written in English by a woman.  At one point Jesus gives her all sorts of sweet revelations by way of a hazelnut that she holds in her hand.

Added to her rich understanding of the Motherhood of God, Julian is especially known for saying/praying this bit:

All shall
be well,
and all shall
be well,
and all manner
of thing
shall be well.”

It is nice that during my finals week, I “have” to read such things about such women who had life-altering chats with Jesus.


(from Enduring Grace by Carol Lee Flinders, 1993)

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