It was the Summer of ’09, I was with Luisa, and we were at Rocky Mountain National Park (Colorado). In this photo we were about half-way there, going up a trail with a series of the most beautiful frozen lakes you can imagine.
By the end of the day we were nearly caught in a storm, we both had some blisters, and we’d been separated for about 5 miles. Lu had wanted to climb a summit and I had wanted to rest on a rock. Then came the almost-storm, me huffing it back trying to avoid it, and Lu huffing it back trying to catch up with me for a few miles. She did. And we laughed.
(My Holga, Expired Film)
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love you got your message. i am up in the mountains we will talk soon. lovelovelove.
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love you got your message. i am up in the mountains we will talk soon. lovelovelove.